Narratio is a global platform for youth empowerment through creative expression, publishing content from over 18 countries across three continents. 

My Life in Paris

My Life in Paris

My Life in Paris

by Dikanda

Ma vie a paris est meilleur que celle d'hier. Elle est tres reposante et vivante. Aujourdhui j'arrive a vivre et de profiter des instants qui me sont presenter en participant utilement à l'édifice de la progression de la vie en gagnant ma vie onnetement à travers un boulot. Et je remerci beaucoup mon devouèment et mon ambition demesurer. Je souhaite vivement que celà apporte à toute personne qui on des rêves. Je fais un big up à l'ONG light house avec la quelle jai vraiment aimé passer mon sejour à ritsona

My life in Paris is better than that of yesterday. It is very restful, and is thriving. Today I can live and enjoy the moments that are presented to me by participating usefully in building the progression of my unique life through a job. I am very much thankful, to my devotion and my boundless ambition. I truly hope this brings along anyone who dreams. I would like to give a ?big up? to the NGO, Lighthouse Relief, with which I really enjoyed my stay in Ritsona.

A Taste of Yemen by Sultan

A Taste of Yemen by Sultan

