My Life in Paris
My Life in Paris
by Dikanda
Ma vie a paris est meilleur que celle d'hier. Elle est tres reposante et vivante. Aujourdhui j'arrive a vivre et de profiter des instants qui me sont presenter en participant utilement à l'édifice de la progression de la vie en gagnant ma vie onnetement à travers un boulot. Et je remerci beaucoup mon devouèment et mon ambition demesurer. Je souhaite vivement que celà apporte à toute personne qui on des rêves. Je fais un big up à l'ONG light house avec la quelle jai vraiment aimé passer mon sejour à ritsona
My life in Paris is better than that of yesterday. It is very restful, and is thriving. Today I can live and enjoy the moments that are presented to me by participating usefully in building the progression of my unique life through a job. I am very much thankful, to my devotion and my boundless ambition. I truly hope this brings along anyone who dreams. I would like to give a ?big up? to the NGO, Lighthouse Relief, with which I really enjoyed my stay in Ritsona.