Fairfax, VA
"Empowerment Through Creative Expression"
July 27, 2016
Our second workshop took place on the campus of George Mason University and was presented to participants in the Indonesia-U.S. Youth Leadership program.
The program brings 8 American students to Indonesia and 19 Indonesian students to the U.S. for a month-long experience of exchange, cultural cooperation, and conflict resolution.
This particular workshop was given to the Indonesian participants. It was an hour and a half filled with lessons, laughs, and personal growth.
Yesterday I was very sad. Today I am very happy than yesterday. Tomorrow I will be better than today.
Yesterday I was dreaming and hoping. Today I am working on my dream and hope. Tomorrow I will be succeeding all the work I've done today.
Yesterday I was scared of who I am. Today I am ready for the world. Tomorrow I will be a person who help making the world become a better place for everyone.
Yesterday I was applying to the I-US-YLP 2016. Today I am attending the program. Tomorrow I will be helping the society and have a valuable of life.
Yesterday I was a child that didn't know about anything. Today I am a child/boy that can show who I am. Tomorrow I will be a good leader that makes better world.