The Spirit and Practice of Gardening in Ritsona
The entrance to Ritsona master gardener Shaker's home, surrounded by years of meticulous gardening.
Everyone knows that instability is very difficult. Because of the instability of living in a refugee camp, people in Ritsona try to cope with their situations through many things, including agriculture.
When considering what Ritsona residents use to cope with life in the camp, we noticed that many of them like planting. However, many of them can not afford the materials. This is where Lighthouse Relief came in. With a grant from Lemon Tree Trust, they were able to provide assistance by purchasing seeds and vases for cultivation. Lighthouse has also planted a variety of flowers, vegetables and herbs around their containers and in the empty spaces.
One resident, Shaker, has taken gardening in Ritsona to a new level. Shaker has been living here in Ritsona for two years and he likes everyone here. He is waiting for his residency ID. While waiting, he began to cultivate vegetables that can cover his and his neighbors’ food needs. It is also a useful way to prevent the boredom that accompanies life in a refugee camp. “Life is difficult and tough, but I hope I can help a lot of people. God will give me a reward in return,” he says.
Shaker thanks Lighthouse Relief and Lemon Tree for helping the residents of the camp with their planting projects.
يعلم الجميع أن عدم الاستقرار أمر مزعج ، لذا يحاول الناس في مخيم ريتسونا التعامل مع أوضاعهم من خلال أشياء كثيرة ، بما في ذلك الزراعة.
أثناء البحث عن الأشياء التي قد يحتاجها سكان ريتسونا ، رأينا أن الكثير منهم يحبون الزراعة ، لكن العديد منهم لا يستطيعون تحمل تكاليف المواد. هنا يأتي دور منارة الإغاثة في تقديم المساعدة ، حيث تتحمل المنظمة جميع النفقات التي تشمل البذور والمزهريات للزراعة ... ويمكنك أن ترى أنها قد زرعت حول حاوياتها أو في المساحات الفارغة.
يعيش شاكر هنا في Ritsona لمدة عامين ويحب الجميع هنا. هو في انتظار هوية الإقامة. بدأ زراعة الخضروات التي يمكن أن تغطي احتياجاته وجيرانه. كل هذا لكسر الملل: "الحياة صعبة وصعبة ، وآمل أن أتمكن من مساعدة الكثير من الناس. سيعطيني الرب مكافأة في المقابل "يقول.
وأخيراً ، شكر موظفي Lighthouse Relief على مساعدة سكان المخيم في أمنهم المادي
Shaker's home, viewed from the side.