Adnan Hassan
My name is Adnan and I am from Al-Qamishli in Syria.
I was born and nurtured in that city, I saw my dreams and future in it. Time has not been kind to my country, neither have the scoundrels of the world. I was born in my village. My parents fought the sun and sky to feed their children. They wanted to raise them well and to ensure that they were well provided for.
I am the son of Al-Qamishli. I drank love from its water and I planted myself in its land.
I learnt, grew up and got married. I felt that I was the master of my destiny. I felt that the world was smiling at me and giving me everything I wanted until my wife died. Then the war started. I was forced to leave my country. I left my people, my brothers and the soil of my beloved village.
I escaped across the sea and reached the lands of freedom. There I was imprisoned because my asylum application was denied.
After my asylum application was accepted, I began fulfilling my dreams to help people and their children. I love the kids I work with. I love helping them and being with them because I promised my wife that I would help them.
Life is for everyone, not just me.
Helping people is a hobby that only a few people enjoy.
…انا المدعو عدنان من مدينة القامشلي في سوريا
...ولدت وترعرعت في شوارعها وبنيت احلامي المستقبلية فيها
بلدي التي جار الزمان عليها و جار معه كل اوغاد الارض.ولدت في قريتي......الاب و الام يعاندون شمس السماء ليطعموا ويربوا
….اطفالهم تربية صالحة ولا ينقصهم شيئا
..انا ابن القامشلي التي غرفت من ارضها حب الارض وزرعت في ارضها كياني
تعلمت وكبرت و تزوجت. فكنت اشعر بأنني سيد زماني وان الدنيا تضحك لي وتعطيني الى ان توفيت زوجتي واندلعت الحرب
..فهاجرت بلدي مرغما لا طائعا تاركا خلفي اهلي واخوتي وتراب قريتي
...ركبت البحر مهاجرا ووصلت الى بلاد الحرية فسجنت لسبب واحد وهو لعدم قبول لجوئي
فبعد قبول اللجوء بدأت بمسيرة أحلامي هي مساعدة الناس واطفالهم وانا اعشق الاطفال واحب ان اساعدهم واحب ان اكون معهم لانني
.قطعت وعدا لزوجتي بأن اساعدهم
فالحياة للجميع وليست لي وحدي
فمساعدة الناس والأطفال هواية لا يمتلكها الا القليل