“Each organisation has its role to play – at Lighthouse Relief it’s putting a smile on our faces.”
Ritsona is a refugee camp that hosts people of many nationalities, cultures and customs but it has become a village united by its ability to evolve and its way of life.
Jordan pictured outside the YES
Everyday life is extraordinary and very interesting. In the morning the refugees can be seen standing in front of the offices waiting to explain their problems, while others are at Lighthouse Relief or I AM YOU. There are also buses that come to collect the children and take them to school.
Lighthouse Relief, I AM YOU and IOM are the lungs of this camp, they allow the residents to breathe and to live. Each organisation has its role to play – at Lighthouse Relief it’s putting a smile on our faces.
Every person who joins this organisation does so to bring joy to the camp. Despite the fact that their time here is limited, they teach us many new things such as tennis, painting and language classes. However, the hardest thing is when they leave us - they leave an emptiness in our hearts even when others come to replace them.
Despite some difficulties, such as the lack of medical care in the camp, Ritsona is a promised land for each refugee.
Ritsona est un camp de réfugiés qui englobe plusieurs nationaux, cultures et mœurs mais il est devenu un village uni par sa façon d’évoluer et de vivre.
La vie quotidienne est très formidable et très intéressante, le matin, des réfugiés devant des bureaux pour expliquer leurs problèmes, d’autres à Lighthouse Relief, I AM YOU et des bus viennent récupérer les enfants pour qui partent à l’école.
Lighthouse Relief, I AM YOU et IOM, ce sont des poumons de ce camp qui permettent aux réfugiés de respirer et de vivre. Chaque aux organisations a son rôle comme Lighthouse Relief nous donnent la sourire.
Chaque personne vient dans cette organisation pour donner la joie dans le camp malgré leur séjour limité, elles nous apprennent beaucoup des choses (tennis, la peinture, des cours de langues, etc.) mais le plus dur c’est quand elles nous quittent, elles nous laissent un vide dans nos cœurs malgré d’autres leur remplacent.
Donc Ritsona est une terre promise pour chaque de réfugiés malgré quelques difficultés comme des soins médicaux il n y a pas, etc.