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Snapshots of Life in Ritsona

The following is a preview of the Ritsona Kingdom Journal, a youth-run publication developed by young people at Ritsona refugee camp in mainland Greece. The full publication can be viewed here. All views are their own.

It’s incredibly difficult to capture the many stories and complexities of life in Ritsona camp in a single series of photographs – but that hasn’t stopped its youth from trying. Through Lighthouse Relief’s Youth Engagement Space (YES), young residents have had the opportunity to learn from skilled volunteers on the fundamentals of photojournalism and effective visual storytelling. Many have applied what they learn in these workshops to personal photography projects that seek to capture what they see and experience in Ritsona every day.  

The following photo projects provide a window into life in Ritsona from the lens of its youth residents. They are often shot using mobile phones and basic equipment lent from Lighthouse Relief, but are nevertheless stunning in their portrayal of what it means to live, work and play in Ritsona.  

“Photos About Home – But Ritsona Is Not Home” by Amina Rashid, 18, from Syria

“Photojournalism” by Ferhad Heme, 18, from Syria (Issue 1, page 10)

Our partner organization, Lighthouse Relief,  relies on the generous contributions of its donors to power amazing initiatives like this one.  Consider supporting these efforts by donating here: