Pendidikan Yang Merata (Equitable Education)
This poem was originally submitted in Bahasa, the official language of Indonesia. It has been translated into English by Ariel Santikarma and Leslie Dwyer.
Says the north, if there were no sun the world would freeze
Says the south, were there no darkness, the world would be too bright
Oh God, so few people give you thanks
So few people give you thanks
Mother Earth, so kind and beautiful
Our footsteps cross the archipelago
this is their home.
May 2, 2017, from Sabang to Merauke
from Miangas to Rote
The glorious, bright gate to the future has been opened
for the sake of educating the world of Indonesia
Education in Jakarta
must be the same as in Ambon
Teaching in Sumatra
should be the same as in Papua
Educational facilities in Kalimantan
must be as good as those in Bali
1,128 ethnic groups, 700 regional languages
Indonesia is where the world comes to learn about difference
But difference is not a reason to look away
or a reason to not unite
Reflect on the rainbow
with different colors but still one
With a sense of "Unity in Diversity"
difference looks beautiful
That is our responsibility
For the Mother Earth of the Indonesian archipelago
Kata orang utara, andai matahari tiada duniapun membeku
Kata orang selatan, andai Kegelapan tiada duniapun terang
Ya Tuhan, Tak banyak orang yang bersyukut padaMu
tak sedikit pula orang yang bersyukur padaMu
Bumi Pertiwi yang elok nan permai
tempat berpijak seluruh nusantara
disinilah rumah bagi mereka...
2 Mei 2017, dari Sabang sampai Merauke
dari Miangas sampai Rote
Gerbang masa depan cerah nan gemilang telah terbuka
demi mencerdaskan Bumi Indonesia
Pendidikan di Jakarta
harus sama dengan di Ambon
Pengajaran di Sumatera
semestinya sama dengan di Papua
Fasilitas Pendidikan di Kalimantan
harus sama bagus dengan di Bali
1.128 suku, 700 bahasa daerah
Indonesia tempat dunia belajar perbedaan
Perbedaan bukan alasan tuk berselisih pandang
melainkan alasan tuk bersatu
Bercerminlah pada pelangi
berbeda warnanya tapi tetap satu
Dengan rasa "Bhineka Tunggal Ika"
perbedaan terlihat indah
Itulah tanggung jawab kita
Para Insan Nusantara Bumi Pertiwi INDONESIA.