Global Human
Time entered my life at birth,
It has yet to stop by entering a dearth.
Born a mix, I have not identified as one precise type of human,
I have been mixed by many powders, sparsed into bits like cumin.
Reading about my own heritage has taught me about globalization.
I have learned his globalization affects societal identification.
Like the global economy my persona has stocks all over,
My identity is not as stringent and dignified as a three-leaf clover.
Traveling the world, I feel like Pangea of olden days ,
My self is as placed in the desert, mud, and grass, as it is on the clays.
The United Nations seems alike to my idea whereas the national governments seem opposite .
While one aims to crate international laws and peaceful missions, the other is against the composite.
In history not pledging allegiance to one flag was decisively admonishible, a wrongful decision.
Today nationality seems to come second to economic success, capitalist precision.
However certain cultural ideas persist above the daily ramble.
Each has faults, each has staunch advocates, each is a powerful scramble.
When one is combined between many, the borders are permanently crossed,
The positives and negatives of many are fused together, combined, together tossed.
As an observer of the global stance both past, present, and future, of the history of man,
I clearly state that my identity is not singular, not unique, but plural, I am a global human.