Narratio is a global platform for youth empowerment through creative expression, publishing content from over 18 countries across three continents. 

The Melting Pot

The Melting Pot

When I was in fourth grade, I would try to talk over my mother to the cashier because I was embarrassed of her accent.

I was equal parts infuriated at his condescending expression and mortified at the people behind who stared at us.

My parents still ask me to proofread their emails.

Because a typo that comes from an accented mouth, is not just a mistake anymore, it's huge bold print that spells out Immigrant--Outsider.

We pride ourselves on being a melting pot yet when did assimilation become synonymous with consumption. When did being American meaning dipping your culture in bleach to extract all the color. When did it become okay for a country that preaches freedom and opportunity to put an at-risk asterisk by every name that sounds ethnic and for name brand politicians to build their presidential campaign on pushing rhetoric that denies aid to the helpless, ridicules a humans' rights to their bodies, and breeds hatred.

We are separated--divided, so caught up in our narrow view through small keyholes to see the other. We hear, speak, and see negativity all our around us. This slow-creeping, debilitating disease has invaded our systems. This hatred and violence has seeped into our brains, our hearts, our skin. We are poisoned and our cure is awareness, education, and empathy.



I Am Me

I Am Me