Narratio is a global platform for youth empowerment through creative expression, publishing content from over 18 countries across three continents. 

Sirkhane Darkroom

Sirkhane Darkroom

Rinda_13_years_old_from_Kobani 1.jpg

On the border of Turkey and Syria there is a mobile darkroom teaching children how to compose images & develop and print their own analog photography.

Sirkhane DARKROOM is a project for children under the umbrella of the Sirkhane Social Circus School and co-founded by photographer Serbest Salih. The Darkroom creates space for children and young people to engage with their identities and personal experiences, introducing them to new ways of thinking, boundless creativity, and the vital act of play.

Narratio is honored to present the following work - photographs from the Sirkhane DARKROOM capturing life through curious and youthful eyes.

Zeynnap 12 years old from Mardin.jpg

“Storytelling and the art of photography combined can generate a strong form of education which is proven to be healing for children who have witnessed violence, poverty and war.”

Meltem, 18 years old from mardin

Syrian photographer Serbest Salih, who himself arrived in Turkey as a refugee, now leads the workshops.

Images courtesy of Sirkhane DARKROOM

Menal, 13 years old from Kobani

Ferzad, 15 years old from Mardin

Fehet, 17 years old from Şam

Musatafa, 10 years old from Mardin

Suvar, 15 years old from Aleepo

Hala, 13 years old from Aleppo

Rojin, 13 years old from Mardin

Rinda, 13 years old from Kobani

Muhammed, 17 years old from Kobani

Naime, 10 years old from Mardin

Sevin, 14 years old from Derbasiye

Zeynnap, 12 years old from Mardin

Halil, 12 years old from Qamishli

Muhaamed, 17 years old from Reqqa

World Environment Day Collective Poem

World Environment Day Collective Poem