Freedom is not just a passing word in the dictionary, but rather an act and a statement. How many wars, arguments, and conflicts did you do? How many revolutions and revolts have sacrificed their lives to demand their freedom and the freedom of their country and people. Freedom is one of the necessities of human dignity. It is an essential part of a happy and full life, not only for man but for all creatures, because everyone seeks freedom; fights for it; and struggles with all force and firmness to reach it.
The manifestations of freedom
Freedom is manifested in everything around us. It is in humans, animals, even plants, and homelands. Animals seek their freedom and diminish when robbed of it. Even birds - the most beautiful voices are free and not held in captive cages. Freedom is not to be taken for granted, but is a right for all. It is taken and not asked and can never be divided or waiver. Its confiscation means the confiscation of life and is an infringement of the greatest moral value. This has been shown in poems and thoughts and how many votes it has demanded and continues to demand.
Freedom restrictions
Freedom cannot be absolute, without regulation or direction, because the freedom of the individual ends when the freedoms of others are infringed. Freedom of speech cannot be infringed on – this infringes on the freedom of the person speaking. He who seeks to achieve his freedom at the expense of other individuals, or at the expense of his homeland and his people, is stealing his own freedom.
Forms of freedom
Freedom has many forms, including freedom of speech, freedom to practice religious rites, freedom to choose your employment and education, freedom of movement, freedom to choose social and human relations. Freedom is a measure of the growth of societies and evidence of their advancement. It is the open society that guarantees its members all forms of freedom, without resorting to backward methods of repression. All religions guarantee the right to liberty of individuals and prevent them from being infringed on or unjustly restricted.
The current models of freedom
At the present time, despite great progress in all areas of life, the violation of freedoms has unfortunately come to all nationalities and peoples. Their freedoms have been confiscated and many have been prevented from exercising their most basic rights to life, and the freedom of others to adopt their own beliefs and laws. This is all because of a lack of awareness and extremism, which we must all fight against to ensure our freedoms and dignity.