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A summary of my experience with success and what I learnt from it.

Only those that insist on seeing the positive side of things can get close to success. When you get close to the true meaning of the word success you will realise that it simply means perseverance. You don’t need excuses to explain success, nor should you start to find excuses for failing.

Failure doesn’t mean losing, it means giving up, and that is why you must act as if it is impossible to fail. A successful person is someone who can see beyond what everyone else can.

Goals aren’t reached by wishing. It is aspiration that works miracles. Hesitation is the biggest obstruction on the road to success. The secret of success is to keep moving forward. Failure is nothing more than a temporary defeat, something that creates the right conditions for success. Endless optimism is the fuel required by someone on his or her journey to success.

Ignore people who keep repeating the word impossible. In order to succeed we must first believe that we can get there. Failure requires just as much courage as effort does. Success is to muster all the strength inside you in order to achieve what you desire.

Desire is the secret of success in a person’s professional life. The only route to success is to carry on with all your strength right to the end. If you don’t try to achieve something outside your comfort zone, you will never move forwards. You should insist on good practices that will make you a better person.

Success is often the ally of boldness. People don’t arrive at the gates of success without having gone through the stages of failure, exhaustion and despair. Success doesn’t mean that we haven’t made mistakes. It means that we can make many of them, yet go from failure to failure without losing our enthusiasm. Success is to achieve your desires and happiness is to desire what you have achieved.

There are two types of people, those that do all the work and those that sit doing nothing and make comments such as “Why don’t you do things differently?”. I have learnt that there are times when you need to take serious decisions, however difficult they may be and however much they may irritate those around us.

Successful people are those that stop speaking while others are still able to listen and who are ready to listen before others have begun speaking. But if you want to avoid criticism, don’t say anything, don’t do anything, don’t be anything, because people only see what they want to see. We can avoid the truth, but we can’t avoid the consequences of avoiding it. They say that if your rivals have multiplied, then you are surely already successful. Anyone who wants to be successful in this world must overcome the six causes of poverty: sleep, laziness, indifference, fear, anger and the tendency to postpone things.

In order to succeed you must desire success more than you fear failure. The journey to success is an endless one. Stop for a while to evaluate the things you have come across, correct your mistakes, develop your skills, be positive about what you have achieved in life, and then complete your journey towards success.

Successful people concentrate on doing the right thing, not on doing something the right way. Success is 20% skill and 80% strategic planning. You may know how to read, but what matters is what you intend to read. If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way.

You should invest at least 50% of your income in developing yourself in order to secure your future. You can never be successful if you are shy and do nothing but observe successful people. You need to concentrate on success and plan for it. Succeeding isn’t the only thing that is important, so is your worth once you have succeeded.

You will be happy if you have not had to betray your values to become successful. Success created many unhappy people! Opportunities do not come along by themselves; you make them happen. You need to learn from success, but you won’t be successful if you haven’t first learnt from failure.

One of the most important rules of success is never to boast. Before you think about how to act cleverly, think how to work hard. If you think that you have had enough of success, you are wrong. Strive for greater success.

Success is golden. If you want to succeed, begin by imagining yourself as a successful person. The road to success is always under construction.

This article was originally published in the seventh issue of ‘Migratory Birds’. The seventh issue of ‘Migratory Birds’ was produced by the Network for Children’s Rights, and supported by UNICEF with funding by the European Commission — Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations. This edition was further supported by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung– Office in Greece, funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation, and published in Greece’s Efsyn newspaper on March 31, 2018.

Incomprehensible voices

Incomprehensible voices