The Voice of a Refugee
“Unlike other people, we could not risk our lives to travel by boat under hot sun, over deepest seas, through dangerous jungles…”
Narratio is proud to present it’s first film submission, “The Voice of a Refugee” by Anggi Nurqonita, Indonesia. The short film was created with her production team: Tubagus Dwika Yuantoko, Ali Haider Sultani, Fitri Aulia Ikhsani, Rai Pribadi, and M. Imam Nawawi Syujai.
“The Voice of a Refugee” paints the vignette of refugee Ali Haider Sultani. Ali describes the journey to find refuge with his family and the reason for his unwavering hope for the future.
“After being the 1st Winner of UNESCO Multimedia Contest in 2017, my crew and I determined to keep on producing short films and videos about human rights. Our recent video is a cinematography video about the life of a refugee. This video emphasizes peace and tolerance.” - Anggi Nurqonita.
Read Anggi’s author statement and leave a comment below!