Narratio is a global platform for youth empowerment through creative expression, publishing content from over 18 countries across three continents. 



Sometimes I wonder

I wonder if you felt betrayal 

Felt anger 


I look down at my blanket and wonder

This blanket knew many days without me

And I knew no day without it

This blanket did not just warm my body 

It warmed my thoughts

Was home to my frustrations

Covered my insecurities

Soaked in my sadness

Held me through sickness

Tucked in my aspirations

Swaddled my dreams 

Waited for me to return back to it

I held onto your fibers with every 

Fiber of my being 

And that is when I remember that I came 

from you 

That as I crawl into fetal position

My knees against my chest 

Covering myself 

Holding myself for comfort

That I remember that you held me as a fetus 

For months

Keeping me safe and loving me

Loving me when I had no knowing of you 

Yet gave you endless 



Nights when i may pour my frustrations onto you 

Sniffle my cold 

Fight the cold 

Be cold 


Like the blanket

You wrapped your arms around me and loved me


Even when I was ripping your threads apart

You remained 

the threads holding us all together


And I wonder

Could I take care of you?

You always comforted me when I was just a quarter of your size

You’ve seen me through hard times, boo-boos, and timeouts

When I’m scared, I hold on to you knowing that I’ll be safe

 You love me now even when I’m unraveling 

I still know you’ll always be true to me

You made me the kind of person that I want to be

You taught me to protect, love, and have empathy 

Now I know, I can take care of you

I can be the blanket





Dead Sea

Dead Sea